It’s that time again!! The 31st Annual Rocky Mountain Senior Wildcatter’s Golf Tournament is right around the corner, and we are underway making preparations for this big event! This year’s tournament schedule is for July 17th, 18th, & July 19th, 2025, at Paradise Valley Country Club in Casper, Wyoming.
We are pleased to announce that we will again be hosting our banquet on Saturday evening, approximately 6:30 pm, at Paradise Valley Country Club. The Banquet cost will be $25.00 per person for the Saturday evening awards banquet.
Our Poker Run will be back by popular demand. We are pleased to announce we will have it on both Friday and Saturday. Sign up for both days will be on Registration Day. Entry Fee - $10/5card hand – 10-hand limit/player/day. 60% will be paid to the three high hands and 40% will go to the KWHS/NCHS Golf Teams. Please take special note of Rule No. 3: Players will draw from a newly shuffled deck; no jokers; no duplicate cards can be used (player must draw an additional card if an identical card is drawn).
If you are wishing to sponsor a part of this tournament, we would appreciate your help. Your company will be recognized throughout the tournament. Please send all Donations to: Rocky Mountain Senior Wildcatter’s, P.O. Box 50517, Casper, WY. 82605, or go online www.seniorwildcatters.com, www.paradisevalleyccwyo.com, or by phone @ Paradise Valley Country Club (golf shop) 307-234-9146, Ext. #2.
The Senior Board of Directors would like to convey a sincere thank you for your support of this classic tournament. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Contacts: Donna Morton 307-259-1028 / Jeff Gillum 307-262-0505 / Ted Morton 307-262-1204 Larren Holdren 307-262-388 / Steve Griswold 307-462-6894 / Pete Short 307-259-2482 Shannon Short 307-267-6580 / Mike Bower 307-277-4876 / Cody Winburn 307-277-1626 Dave Dundas 307-251-6500 / Denise Lewin 307-262-5331 / Pat Rasmussen 307-259-1912
Casper, WY, 82605 T +1 (307) 259-1028 info@seniorwildcatters.com